The euro and inflation in Croatia: much ado about nothing? | Published online: March 1, 2024 Figure 1
HICP inflation (year-on-year) rates and inflation expectations in Croatia
Note: Vertical dotted line corresponds to September 2022 (start of obligatory dual display of
prices). Vertical full line corresponds to January 2023 (euro changeover). Inflation expectations
are quantified as the response balance to question 6 from the EU Consumer Survey (see section
3 for details).
Source: Eurostat and European Commission. Table 1
ASCM baseline estimations (January to July 2023)
Note: Table entries are gaps between actual and synthetic values of corresponding variables. Positive gaps imply that actual values are greater than the synthetic ones. P-values are given in parentheses. Bold entries are significant at the 5% level. Source: Author’s calculation. Figure 2
Average ASCM country weights Table 2
ASCM placebo specifications across countries (January to July 2023)
Note: Table entries are gaps between actual and synthetic values of corresponding variables. Positive gaps imply that actual values are greater than the synthetic ones. P-values are given in parentheses. Bold entries are significant at the 5% level. * Denotes specifications with no MSPEs three times larger than the Croatian one (leaving the baseline ASCM results intact). Source: Author’s calculation. Table 3
ASCM results (January to July 2023): placebo estimations across time (2015M05 as intervention date)
Note: Table entries are gaps between actual and synthetic values of corresponding variables. Positive gaps imply that actual values are greater than the synthetic ones. P-values are given in parentheses. Bold entries are significant at the 5% level. Source: Author’s calculation. Table 4
ASCM results (January to July 2023): placebo estimations across time (2022M09 as intervention date)
Note: Table entries are gaps between actual and synthetic values of corresponding variables. Positive gaps imply that actual values are greater than the synthetic ones. P-values are given in parentheses. Bold entries are significant at the 5% level. Source: Author’s calculation. Table 5
ASCM results (January to July 2023): placebo estimations across time (2022M12 as intervention date)
Note: Table entries are gaps between actual and synthetic values of corresponding variables. Positive gaps imply that actual values are greater than the synthetic ones. P-values are given in parentheses. Bold entries are significant at the 5% level. Source: Author’s calculation. Table 6
ASCM estimations for lower-level ECOICOP inflation categories (January to July 2023)